Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentation. The submission of abstracts will only be done with online form in submission page, after registration has been done. Abstract must be written in English and should not contain any figure or scheme. Abstract submission should be done till the end of submission date for oral and poster presentation and will be peer reviewed and evaluated. Selection is based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contribution, and readability.
Abstracts of all papers accepted by the Scientific Committee for presentation will be available on this website and included in the book of abstracts once registration fees have been paid. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be included in the book of abstracts.
Start New Submission on page For accepted presenter the username dan password will be sent directly to your email. Click Start New Submission to submit.
The system will guide the author to submit the manuscript. There are five stages that the author must go through
Once author completed manuscript submission, click Active Submission to view the manuscript status or submit a new manuscript.
Department of Chemistry,
Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Jebres Surakarta 57126
Phone/Fax: +62 271663375
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