The 19th Joint Conference on Chemistry (19th JCC) invites academicians, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders to send original research abstracts, formatted according to the given format in the registration form. The conference will be held on 12th September 2024 in Surakarta, Indonesia under the theme “Empowering Sustainability: Harnessing Chemistry to Shape an Eco-Friendly World Across All Aspects of Life”.
The theme is interdisciplinary in Chemistry related subject and broad enough to cover a range of disciplinary areas such as Chemical and Material Sciences, Live Sciences, Medical Sciences, Education, and Engineering, to name a few. Presenters may provide theoretical discourses or empirical case studies revolving around the theme.
Full article submission is required prior the presentation according to the given template in the “Abstract and Paper Submission“
Department of Chemistry,
Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Jebres Surakarta 57126
Phone/Fax: +62 271663375
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