Oral presentations take place in parallel rooms. Each speaker will be given 15 minutes for oral presentation using Microsoft Power Point (including questions & answers session).
All posters will be displayed during the conference day and should be mounted by the presenter during the conference. X-banner poster should be printed in size 160 x 60 cm. Poster presenters are requested to print their own poster, to bring x-banner stand portable, and to carry it to the conference. The contents of x-banner poster are logo of 19th JCC and your affiliation, title, name and affiliation of authors, introduction, methods, results, conclusion, references, and acknowledgement.
Save the image above for your presentation
Department of Chemistry,
Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Jebres Surakarta 57126
Phone/Fax: +62 271663375
email : jcc_uns@mail.uns.ac.id
website : https://chemistry.mipa.uns.ac.id